Flat World Map History


Creating a world map that encompasses all recorded history is quite a complex task, as it would have to reflect the changing political boundaries, cultures, and significant events from ancient times to the present.    However, I’ve created an artistic representation of a world map that captures the essence of our planet’s rich and diverse history. Can you draw a world map according to all maps? The concept of a flat Earth is a historical belief that the Earth’s shape is a plane or disk. However, scientific evidence (NASA) and observations have consistently supported the fact that the Earth is round. This is demonstrated through various means such as satellite images, the way ships disappear over the horizon, and the way different constellations are visible from different latitudes. These observations align with the understanding that the Earth is a spheroid, which is the consensus among the scientific community today.

 The Bible contains various passages that describe the  firmament, which is often interpreted as the sky or the heavens. In the context of ancient Hebrew cosmology, the firmament was seen as a solid dome or vault that separated the “waters above” from the “waters below” the earth. This concept is mentioned in the book of Genesis, where God is said to have created the firmament on the second day of creation12. 

The term “firmament” comes from the Latin word “firmamentum,” which translates the Hebrew word “raki’a” or “raqia,” meaning “expansion” or “expanse.” It was used to denote the space or expanse like an arch appearing immediately above us.

The firmament was thought to support the upper reservoir of waters and was also believed to hold the heavenly bodies like the sun, moon, and stars12.

It’s important to note that the language of the Bible is not scientific but rather reflects the understanding and beliefs of the time when it was written. The descriptions of the firmament and the shape of the earth in the Bible are part of the ancient Near Eastern cosmology and are not meant to be scientific explanations of the natural world as we understand it today34. 

The round shape of the Earth is supported by extensive scientific evidence and observations, and the concept of a flat Earth is not considered valid in the scientific community. Modern science has demonstrated that the Earth is an oblate spheroid through various means, including satellite imagery and the laws of physics and astronomy2.




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